Sunday, December 7, 2008

The 4 Stages Of Learning A New Skill

It’s true what they say, practice really does make perfect. Here's why...

When we initially learn, we input the fresh information into our brain via the conscious mind. We must be consciously aware of the new information in order to understand it and try and make sense of it.

But to get really good at something, you need to bypass conscious thought and be able to perform well an action, without really thinking about it. Introducing the subconscious mind!

Consider driving on approach to a roundabout at speed, without the subconscious mind it would be a very difficult task.

You would have to consciously think about applying pressure on the brake pedal with your right foot, putting the clutch down with the left foot, changing gear with your left hand whilst steering with your right, turn your head right to look for oncoming traffic, look with your eyes, listen to the radio in the background and talk to the person in the passenger seat, the whole time constantly breathe and maintain a heartbeat, all in a matter of seconds.

If you had to consciously think about all those things at once I’m sure it would end it up in a crash. Yet we do this with relative ease?

This wonderful mechanism, the subconscious mind can multi-task and execute better judgement than when conscious thought is involved. When a footballer scores a wonder goal during a match, in the post match interview, the interviewer may ask 'So what went through your mind when you stuck that ball?' and the footballer’s response is ' I don't know really, I just struck it sweetly and it ended up in the back of the net!’ The best results are achieved when little conscious effort is made and instinct takes over.

It is this automatic function which enables us to attain expert ability. So how do we become great at something we are poor at now, but wish to be better? This transformation is broken down into four stages....

1. Unconscious incompetence - This is when we are still unaware of what we aren't good at yet.

2. Conscious incompetence - At this stage we are aware of what would like to be good at, but still know that we aren't any good at it yet. In comparison with others we feel like we are rubbish at this particular activity.

3. Conscious competence - Now we have reached the level where we are good at the skill, but still have to think consciously about the actions involved to perform at a high standard. If a conscious lapse is made or in other words loss of concentration, mistakes can still be made.

4. Unconscious competence - Your there! It has become so easy and natural. Coordination is smooth and controlled and it all takes place with minimal conscious involvement. Congratulations you have a new talent.

So if these are the four stages, how do you rise from one level to the next? Easy, Practice!

Maybe you were hoping for some spectacular answer, but this is the only real answer there is.

It is both encouraging and disheartening at the same time. Disheartening because it means time and effort will be necessary, comfort zones will have to be stepped out of; Yet encouraging because anybody who is willing to pay the price, are guaranteed to succeed in the end.

You see, the subconscious is a creature of habit. It feeds upon repetition. Your conscious mind acts as a gate keeper, whatever is frequently entering the conscious mind will be embraced by the subconscious mind.

Both good and bad habits are formed this way. It is your job to keep vigilant watch that your conscious thoughts are constructive, that they are the only kind you would wish to allow entry into the realm of the subconscious, and in turn, reflected in your outer world and circumstances. If you want to become competent in something all you need do is learn how to do it right, and then repeat that over and over.

Get going! On my wish list is to learn the guitar and piano, several new languages, to speed read, become a better driver and typist, and better at the sports I enjoy. Maybe even one day I’ll be able to dance without looking like my Dad at a wedding. I had best get practicing.

All the best, start writing your own wish list today, and follow through until you have many new skills.

Right And Wrong - A Matter Of Context

How do we determine right and wrong, and can we really capture them with philosophical rules or religious commandments? The answer to the first question is that we call something right or wrong according to whether or not it helps achieve our moral values. That makes the answer to the second part a definite no. There are no moral principles we can follow blindly.

To understand this, we could start with the intellectual exploration of why morality exists. But there is a simpler approach that gets to the heart of the matter. That's to start with a simple example or two of how and why moral rules sometimes fails us.

For example, suppose you found a child, or Jesus, or Buddha starving, next to a rich man's estate. You are poor yourself, and have nothing to offer of your own, but you see that there is plenty of food out on tables - leftovers from a banquet the wealthy man just had. It is made clear that you are not welcome to it, that it will be theft if you take it. Yet there is the child or Buddha or Jesus on the brink of death. Do you steal the food?

First, although most people would agree to the general moral principle that to steal is wrong, I think it's safe to say that most would also violate that rule in a case like this. Immediately, despite any moral training or commandments in our heads, we would feel that it is right to save the life of the starving person. I personally would go further, and say that if you valued the life of that person, it would be wrong or immoral to not steal the food.

Even those who don't agree with my view still probably feel that they would like to steal the food and help the starving person. Why is this? It is because the moral value of life is a higher value than that of protecting property rights. This doesn't mean that stealing is right, or that a moral principle of not stealing is wrong. It is simply the recognition that there is a hierarchy of values.

Lying, for example, is an action generally considered to be wrong by most moral systems. This is so because as humans we have seen the damage done to others and to society from too much dishonesty. In other words, the moral principle of honesty is about the preservation of relationships and civilized life. Those are the higher values upon which the rule against lying is based. But what if telling the truth violates those values?

The classic moral dilemma is this: A killer asks where your children are, intending to murder them. You have been trained to think that you should never lie, so what should you tell him? I am suggesting that there is no moral dilemma here, that you simply lie because it is the right thing to do. It is right because in this case it achieves the higher moral value: the preservation of the lives of your children.

Right And Wrong Exist Beyond Our Words

The important principles here are:

1. There are real values in the world (which means morality has real meaning).

2. Right and wrong actions (moral or immoral) are those that achieve or destroy those values.

3. All expressions of moral principles in words are imperfect (we are not infallible nor omniscient) and can conflict with one another.

4. When, in a given situation, a rule or moral principle is in opposition to a higher value, it must be dropped if we are to do the right or moral thing.

Notice that there is no moral dilemma here. We simply recognize that our words and the moral principles we develop using them are meant to serve us, not the other way around. To say it another way, right and wrong are a matter of context, and cannot be fully and permanently carved into a metaphorical rock using our fallible tools: our words.

How Inspirational Speakers And Authors Help Inspire Us All

Inspirational authors and speakers from all around the world have this certain natural gift for making others feel good about themselves. Maybe because they have one way or another experienced obstacles and overwhelming difficulties in their lives that they successfully conquered that they want to share it to the world.

Maybe because one point in their lives, they have been there, they know what it really feels like—undergoing a series of life-altering moments that almost defeated their purpose in life. That is what empathy is about. You not only sympathized with the person, but it is actually you. You were once actually in their shoes.

That is why they possess that flair to touch people’s lives. They make us feel that we can accomplish anything and everything we desire in our life, when they share ideas and stories whether of survival, hope, dreams or simply the confidence to brave the world out there.

When we feel inspired, we have this strong personal closeness to the person we are deep inside. When you are feeling elated by being inspired, it seems all things are attainable and possible and you can vividly picture out the best way of achieving your dreams. By simply listening or reading to these inspirational speakers and writers, you will be able to feel your full limitless potential as a person.

That everything that you worked hard for will be rewarded because you simply refuse to give up. Inspiring persons can do so in many countless ways. Most inspirational leaders give us stories that motivate us and lift our souls.

It can be a moving story that may make us cry. I can be about a person who conquered tremendous mental or physical challenges but still never hindered in their wish to live life to the very best. Or it may be a story about someone who had everything they aspired for, but gave up on life when they finally experienced a turning point in their lives.

Turning points that changed their lives forever. Some tales like these bring us closer to God and have faith in Him and we are hopeful once again. There are some inspirational writers and speakers who help us visualize our perspective in a new and unique way from what we usually come to realize.

They may speak or write about compassionate acts of kindness, generosity and most usually of selfless love that stretch beyond anything we actually ever felt or experienced. If we hear a stranger caring for a homeless child, a person giving up a kidney for someone, or building a house for a family they do not even know, then our faith is renewed.

We feel inspired to contribute our best to make the world better. In any small but significant way we can. These inspirational authors and speakers present the beauty of life which we only previously imagined. They motivate us to take action and do our own part to create a better world for us living in it.

How Much Do You Surround Yourself With Positivity?

Nowadays our world is full of sad stories. Everything seems to be going wrong and this tends to bring us down. Not only does it affect our daily lives, it also affects our vision for success. It makes us feel that success is something that we will never achieve, at least not easily.

So what do you do when you are in the middle of all this negativity? The answer is clear, you surround yourself with positivity. Easier said than done, right? But believe me; it is as easy as socializing with positive people. That’s right. Positive people will drive off all the negativity away from you.

This is obvious since all the frowns will be replaced with smiles and all the worries will be replaced with desire. This sense of positivity is very important to keep alive in the business world, especially online. Sometimes you will just find yourself less motivated and be looking for that spark to get back on track once more.

Once you surround yourself with positive vibrations, you will again feel the rhythm in your business life. You will again see every chance for a business opportunity. Everything will be crystal clear once more. You may be asking yourself how you will start. Where do you begin? As stated earlier, you could actually start by simply surrounding yourself with positive people.

Where to find them? That is actually an easy question since they are everywhere. That’s right, even the person right beside you at this very moment could actually give off the positive aura that could inspire you to lessen the negative vibration surrounding you or even within you.

Inside the office or even in your network of friends you can find a lot of positive people. Take a break sometimes and enjoy the fruit of your business. As they say, the best jobs in the world are actually those which don’t feel like work at all. How’s that possible? It is achievable if you fill your workplace with positive aura.

This aura will be coming from each and every individual in your office. After the positivity affects everyone, the smell of success will be evident and it will be much easier for you and your team to reach goals.

In closing, it is safe to say that making yourself acquainted with positive people will not only be good for your well being, it will also positively affect your online business career tremendously.

If you would like to find more information about how you can surround yourself with positive people, increase your personal development skills and make a stable income from home all by using the internet follow the “You Deserve Massive Wealth” link in the resource box.

Three Success Secrets

Success really comes down to three key secrets, as revealed by the amazing women entrepreneurs I met last week in Los Angeles. Here they are, just for you

1. Burn your ships.
Napoleon Hill, in his book, Think and Grow Rich, tells of a warrior who when facing insurmountable odds in battle, burned his ships at the place of possible retreat and turned to his troops, declaring, "We MUST succeed - there is no other way out." They then proceeded to win the battle.

"Burning your ships" means cutting off all other options except achieving your goal. It means really DECIDING to be successful.

Sounds obvious, doesn't it? Why would anyone choose anything else but being successful? Quite simply, deciding to be successful takes commitment and difficult choices.

Most people do not treat their goals as a MUST, but rather as a hope or a wish. So year after year goes by and they are no further towards what they have said is something they truly want.

What ships do you need to burn to make your success a MUST? Maybe you need to make the consequences so painful for not achieving it that you are compelled to bring it to fruition. Or maybe the rewards are so fantastic that they draw you forward effortlessly... either way DECIDE you will achieve it with certainty and conviction.

2. Re-frame failure
Every single entrepreneur at the conference had had some sort of 'failure'. But instead of being defeated by the experience, they looked on it as 'feedback' or as 'testing'.

If a project flopped, it was an opportunity to evaluate marketing strategies or to assess the needs of the market.

If someone made negative comments, then it was a chance to build resilience and strengthen resolve.

If a marriage collapsed, it was the opportunity to clarify values and practice forgiveness, especially forgiveness of self.

Every difficult situation was really a learning experience in disguise. Sometimes the bitter ones become the sweetest in the end.

3. Let it out.
I was amazed to see millionaires burst in to tears as they shared their challenges and achievements. I always thought that it took a steely resolve to create a million dollar plus business.

That's when it occurred to me - there is no magical line that you cross and it all of a sudden becomes easy and ok - life and business are a constant evolution of YOU - the more your business grows, the more YOU grow.

Part of that growth is being human, being emotional, being vulnerable. In fact, it seems the more you admit vulnerability and fear, the more you allow yourself to feel it, the easier it is to let it out, and let it go.

The truly courageous are not the ones who are fearless, but the ones who feel fear, and take a step forward anyway.

So ladies, (and gents!) if you feel the need for cry, let it out, you'll feel better, stronger, and ready for that next scary leap of faith.

Inspiration Can Help You Cope With Stress In Your Life

Stress can be good for you or it can be bad for you. There are both positive and negative stressors in life. Good or positive stressors can be things like going on vacation, putting on a party, a close baseball game, meeting a deadline, getting married, a job interview or winning a lottery. All of the former can cause stress, but usually you get feelings of increased energy and excitement.

Good stress can pump you up and help get your creative juices going. Some stress is healthy and necessary.

Everyone has a different threshold for stress. One person may respond quite differently to the same situation than another. For example, someone being cut off in traffic can create a stressful response in one person and quite a different response in another. This depends on the attitudes and viewpoints we have taken on in our lifetime.

One person may react with road rage shaking fists at the perpetrator; while another will rationalize that perhaps this person didn't notice me or is in an extreme hurry and just slough it off. The latter is the healthier response.

Stress can either invigorate you or zap you of energy. Some symptoms of bad stress or "distress" are being tired all the time, always on edge with a short fuse, depression, change in sleeping patterns, frequent headaches, sore shoulders and neck, changes in weight patterns, relationship problems, diarrhea, dry mouth, sweaty palms and tight throat to name a few.

Your body will let you know that you are under too much stress. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. Consistent distress (bad stress) can lead to physical illness such as high blood pressure, heart disease and anxiety.

Stress is like a guitar string, if you have the right amount of tension you can play beautiful music, but too tight a string and it can snap! This is when people have nervous breakdowns. They overload with distress and have no way to cope with all the bad stress in their life.

Remember stressors are the situations that happen to you on a daily basis i.e.: being cut off in traffic. The degree of stress you experience is your own response to that stressor. You must adapt to the stressors of daily life.

There are many demands to life that we have to deal with on a daily basis such as working, raising children, getting along with our spouses and the people around us, finances, illness, ageing, isolation, lack of friends, everyday events in the world, etc.

It can be tough, but we must deal with it or it will deal with us. If you are over stressed you must get support from your doctor, friends and family or a psychologist. It is healthy to reach out! You may think that this is just simple common sense, but sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees and the obvious is not always visible, when someone is in the middle of distress or a crisis in ones life.

10 Powerful Inspirational Quotes

Which Will Improve Your Self Within Seconds!

It might take a little coffee or probably a few rounds of beer or any other booze you could get your hands on when it comes to relaxing after a hard day's work. Well, yeah I'm guilty about that one as well, unless I'm caught dead wearing a lampshade over my head after a few rounds of vodka… half-naked! Okay, bad example and I apologize to everyone reading this after getting nightmares about me in that state of drunken stupor.

Just don't ask how it happened, please.

But what's really interesting is that how do people go through the usual part of life when faced with vein-popping stress? I mean, the new age thing like Zen or yoga is one of the good things and it actually works. Is there room for the intellectual side of people who can actually smell the roses-in-a-can while on the move? It kind of had me thinking that there really must be something in this 'mind-over-matter' thing.

Humor is indeed the best medicine there is whenever you are. I mean anyone can pay good money to listen to a comedian just to make you wet your pants after laughing so hard. Despite of what's been happening, and to those who has gone though the ordeal, it's better to just laugh while facing the troubles with a clear mind than anger with a clouded vision. One of my favorite celebrities of all time may have to be Woody Allen. Now this is one guy who gives you the in-your-face bluntness that he pulls out with gusto, even without even trying.

You can talk just about anything with a man, and he's bound to mock the subject and you'll end up laughing rather than being upset about it.

Woody Allen has this to say:

1. "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." It sounds good to me, I mean the practicality of all things does involve money but it doesn't have to take an arm and a leg to get it.

2. "I believe there is something out there watching us. Unfortunately, it's the government." 'Nuff said.

3. "There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?" This happens to be one of the classic ones. I mean the issue about life's little problems isn't all that bad, until 'he' shows up.

Sure, relationships can get complicated, or does have its complications that probably any author about relationships is bound to discover it soon. We follow what our heart desires, unless you're talking about the heart as in the heart that pump blood throughout your body.

4. "Love is the answer, but while you're waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions." And if you want more, just keep on asking!

5. "A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me, she said 'no'." It sounds, 'practical', I think.

And when it comes to everyday life, he really knows how to make the best out of every possible scenario, and it doesn't involve a lawsuit if he strikes a nerve.

6. "Basically my wife was immature. I'd be at home in the bath and she'd come in and sink my boats." I never had a boat in my bathtub before. Just staring at it while soaking in hot water makes me seasick already.

7. "I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens." If it rains, it pours.

8. "I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose." It could get worse when you're guzzling on beer… or mouthwash, and it happened to me once!

9. "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans." At least he doesn't smite us with lightning, and I'm thankful for that.

And despite of what may happen to all of us in the next ten, twenty, or even thirty years, I guess we all have to see things in a different kind of light and not just perspective. I can't seem to imagine life without any piece of wisdom that could guide us. Whether we're religious or not, it takes more courage to accept your fears and learn how to deal with them is all that matters when it comes to even just getting along.

And to sum things up, here is the last nugget of wisdom to go by… however, whenever, and wherever we may be.

10. "The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have."

How To Map Your Life As The Vision Of Success

Success is more than economic gains, titles, and degrees. Planning for success is about mapping out all the aspects of your life. Similar to a map, you need to define the following details: origin, destination, vehicle, backpack, landmarks, and route.

Origin: Who you are

A map has a starting point. Your origin is who you are right now. Most people when asked to introduce themselves would say, “Hi, I’m Jean and I am a 17-year old, senior highschool student.” It does not tell you about who Jean is; it only tells you her present preoccupation.

To gain insights about yourself, you need to look closely at your beliefs, values, and principles aside from your economic, professional, cultural, and civil status. Moreover, you can also reflect on your experiences to give you insights on your good and not-so-good traits, skills, knowledge, strengths, and weaknesses. Upon introspection, Jean realized that she was highly motivated, generous, service-oriented, but impatient. Her inclination was in the biological-medical field. Furthermore, she believed that life must serve a purpose, and that wars were destructive to human dignity.

Destination: A vision of who you want to be

“Who do want to be?” this is your vision. Now it is important that you know yourself so that you would have a clearer idea of who you want to be; and the things you want to change whether they are attitudes, habits, or points of view.

If you hardly know yourself, then your vision and targets for the future would also be unclear. Your destination should cover all the aspects of your being: the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. Continuing Jean’s story, after she defined her beliefs, values, and principles in life, she decided that she wanted to have a life dedicated in serving her fellowmen.

Vehicle: Your Mission

A vehicle is the means by which you can reach your destination. It can be analogized to your mission or vocation in life. To a great extent, your mission would depend on what you know about yourself. Bases on Jean’s self-assessment, she decided that she was suited to become a doctor, and that she wanted to become one. Her chosen vocation was a medical doctor. Describing her vision-mission fully: it was to live a life dedicated to serving her fellowmen as a doctor in conflict-areas.

Travel Bag: Your knowledge, skills, and attitude

Food, drinks, medicines, and other travelling necessities are contained in a bag. Applying this concept to your life map, you also bring with you certain knowledge, skills, and attitudes. These determine your competence and help you in attaining your vision. Given such, there is a need for you to assess what knowledge, skills, and attitudes you have at present and what you need to gain along the way.

This two-fold assessment will give you insights on your landmarks or measures of success. Jean realized that she needed to gain professional knowledge and skills on medicine so that she could become a doctor. She knew that she was a bit impatient with people so she realized that this was something she wanted to change.

Landmarks and Route: S.M.A.R.T. objectives

Landmarks confirm if you are on the right track while the route determines the travel time. Thus, in planning out your life, you also need to have landmarks and a route. These landmarks are your measures of success. These measures must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound. Thus you cannot set two major landmarks such as earning a master’s degree and a doctorate degree within a period of three years, since the minimum number of years to complete a master’s degree is two years.

Going back to Jean as an example, she identified the following landmarks in her life map: completing a bachelor’s degree in biology by the age of 21; completing medicine by the age of 27; earning her specialization in infectious diseases by the age of 30; getting deployed in local public hospitals of their town by the age of 32; and serving as doctor in war-torn areas by the age of 35.

Anticipate Turns, Detours, and Potholes

The purpose of your life map is to minimize hasty and spur-of-the-moment decisions that can make you lose your way. But oftentimes our plans are modified along the way due to some inconveniences, delays, and other situations beyond our control. Like in any path, there are turns, detours, and potholes thus; we must anticipate them and adjust accordingly.

Power Of Thought – Visualize To Create Your Reality

Mastering the power of thought is the key to a successful life. This article will show you how regular visualization allows you to create the reality you desire.

It seems clear that our thinking literally creates our world, and if this is so why not think the way we’d like to live?

Scientists tell us everything we hear, see, and experience actually takes place in our brains, and that an “outside” world may not even exist. Deepak Chopra, Joseph Dispenza, and many others agree that life takes place primarily in the mind. From a hard scientific point of view, areas of our brain activate to allow for the different experiences of sight, touch, hearing, feeling, and so forth.

The same area in our brain orchestrates the vision process whether we are looking at another person face to face, or closing our eyes and thinking about them. Whether we are dreaming or awake, the exact same mechanisms within us facilitate our experiences.

I illustrate this to make a point: Whether you are a proud skeptic or a starry-eyed believer in all things new age, it seems irrefutable that the power of thought plays a very substantial role in the makeup and direction of your life.

Regardless of our personal philosophies, religious preference, or educational background, we cannot escape the fact that what we think and feel about has a profound impact on the events and circumstances of our life. In fact with a little practice, the power of thought reveals itself to us in truly extraordinary ways.

For example…

If the brain can’t necessarily distinguish between an image it sees through memory and one it accesses via direct physical line of site, consider the power of deliberate visualization. Along with affirmations, visualization exercises have been taught for years by self-development coaches.

You can hold any image you want in the eye of your mind for as long as you want. You have absolute control over this operation and can bring it to bear any time you like on any subject matter that pleases you.

Vividly see yourself in possession of all the wealth you could possibly want. Hold the image of yourself being fit, happy, and always full of inspiration. Whatever you want your life to be like, first create the image of it in your mind and focus on it with intensity.

Beyond just seeing the outcome you desire, feel the kind of happiness and joy that come from victory and achieving your personal goals. Let these good emotions flow freely, and also engage the sounds and other sensory input that might accompany your envisioned experience. While you visualize, pretend you are living in the moment of having your life exactly as it appears in the image you have created.

Above all you should enjoy this experience. Don’t let it become a chore and never allow it to resemble work; it should be something you sincerely like doing and you should get a legitimate rush from the activity.

Not only will this exercise will make you feel great, but it will also prompt your subconscious mind to find ways to connect your current circumstances with the outcome you visualize. In essence you will set into motion such things as inspired thinking, spontaneous action, and self-fulfilled prophecy.

Continue to visualize once or twice each day in sessions of anywhere from 30 seconds to ten minutes each. As with any skill, the more you practice the easier the process will become for you.

And over time you are almost guaranteed to see the events of your life unfolding in a way that mirrors the subject of your visualization sessions. Is this the law of attraction, or is it the subtle power of autosuggestion?

In truth, these terms refer to two sides of the same coin. Furthermore, there’s no need to bother yourself with the technical nuts and bolts of how and why; just rejoice in the creation of your new life.

Five Magic Words To The Road Of Success And Freedom

The alarm clock goes off and we drag ourselves out of bed and go do the same job day after day. We go to a job where we have to answer to a boss. The company we work for offers a couple weeks vacation every year and after five years of service they may pay into a retirement plan for us. Our company CEO says they need to cut back on cost, so there will be no raises this year.

As our bosses speak of possible lay offs and maybe a closure of the company, fear and anxiety overcomes us. We wonder how will we pay our bills and even put food on the table for our families. We live in fear and despair wondering if our life's will ever change to one of happiness and abundance. How will we change our life's? What can we do to have more money in the bank and maybe have that new car we have been wanting for the past five years.

We are in constant turmoil with our thoughts. We know our country's economy is in a crisis, so how can we even think we will ever have a life full of abundance. We are terrified about our future and do not know if there will even be a tomorrow.

How can we turn our life's around and who can help us? The answers can be found within ourselves. Only we can turn our lives around. We just can not sit around and expect our life's will change on their own. We can not expect that some magician will wave a magic wand over us and are life's will immediately be full of wealth and happiness. We need to step up and look at ourselves and decide how we are going to change our life's.

The five magical words to the road of success and our freedom are "Our thoughts create our life's."

These are five powerful words and each words means we own are own destiny. We have to believe our life's will be full of quality due to the quality of our own thoughts.

Let us ponder over this question for awhile. If we could have anything in this world what would it be? The answers might be we dream of sending our children to the best colleges, we may want a new home near the ocean or a Mercedes Benz with leather interior.

How do we achieve these dreams of fulfilling our dreams and desires? How can just changing our thoughts make our life full of abundance? A change in mindset is the key to changing our life's. There are many people who search for success in all the wrong places.

We place ourselves with people who have the same thoughts we have. When we realize we want more in our life's then we need to start surrounding ourselves with people who have the same desire to change our mindset. We need to discover ourselves in a whole different way.

We need to do a daily rituals and allow ourselves to have what we want in life. We all have been conditioned to think we need to work for our money. We need to think differently and say, money needs to work for us. We need to find a life without limitations and fulfill our dreams and desires.

We are now the students of the five magic words to the road to success and freedom. The teacher has appeared and the secret can be found within ourselves. We need to find the key and unlock the secret to our life treasures.

This is not a fairy tale it is reality and we are on our way to a life full of unlimited possibilities. Listen and listen closely our hearts are now singing the tune of joy, love, peace, faith and abundance. Our mindset has changed and we are no longer feeling despair, we are in control of our thoughts and we now own our destiny.

Why I will Never Stop Dreaming - Why It Is Good To Dream

Do you dream about what your future may hold for you? Or do you believe dreaming is just wishful thinking, and that your fate has already been decided for you?

Have you already decided that what you do is what you will probably always do, you are who you are and that you must just accept your lot for what is and just get on with life?

This is not the sort of attitude that I want. I never want to stop dreaming, I'll always be thinking about what's possible for me in my lifetime. Some medical researcher will probably one day find some health benefits to dreaming (if they haven't already). I think it's healthy to get lost in day dreams from time to time.

The process of dreaming creates images in your mind, which should then create a desire to go and make something happen in your life. Somebody once said 'Our aspirations become our possibilities. You will want what you think about'.

I like to think about what is possible and what I can achieve. I would hate to think that when I reach a certain age, or get a certain job that my life will never change again (especially if it was a job I didn't like). I like to think I will continue to grow, develop myself and continue to learn new things in my lifetime.

Of course just dreaming about something doesn't mean it is going to happen, that's a different story altogether. But what it does do is let your creative juices flow and allow you to conjure up new ways of exactly how your life could be better than it is at the moment. When you dream there are no limits, or at least there shouldn't be. It should just be about you and your desires, there should be nothing that isn't possible when you dream.

I don't think anybody has achieved anything of any substance without first seeing it in their minds eye by way of a dream. It is good to dream and think about what you might like to create for yourself in your life.

If you are somebody who has achieved all their dreams then that's great but if you're not, then don't accept for yourself a life that's anything less than what you desire. Don't be like 99% of people who just accept their life as it is, and that it cannot be changed, or that you should just be happy with what you have got. If you want something, what's stopping you from getting it?

Why do so many people settle for mediocrity, like it was some destiny already planned for them?

Is your life now something that you dreamed about when you were younger? Are you living the dream? If not, why not?

The founder of Outward bound once said;

"We are all better than we know, if only we can be bought to realize this, we may never again be prepared to settle for anything less". I like this quote! How very true it is.

We are all better than we know, I wonder just how many people don't actually realize this, or maybe they do but they just don't want to believe it!

For me I know it's true, and I believe it, which is why I'll never stop dreaming, right up to the day I die, As John Lennon once said, "maybe I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."

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