Sunday, December 7, 2008

Three Success Secrets

Success really comes down to three key secrets, as revealed by the amazing women entrepreneurs I met last week in Los Angeles. Here they are, just for you

1. Burn your ships.
Napoleon Hill, in his book, Think and Grow Rich, tells of a warrior who when facing insurmountable odds in battle, burned his ships at the place of possible retreat and turned to his troops, declaring, "We MUST succeed - there is no other way out." They then proceeded to win the battle.

"Burning your ships" means cutting off all other options except achieving your goal. It means really DECIDING to be successful.

Sounds obvious, doesn't it? Why would anyone choose anything else but being successful? Quite simply, deciding to be successful takes commitment and difficult choices.

Most people do not treat their goals as a MUST, but rather as a hope or a wish. So year after year goes by and they are no further towards what they have said is something they truly want.

What ships do you need to burn to make your success a MUST? Maybe you need to make the consequences so painful for not achieving it that you are compelled to bring it to fruition. Or maybe the rewards are so fantastic that they draw you forward effortlessly... either way DECIDE you will achieve it with certainty and conviction.

2. Re-frame failure
Every single entrepreneur at the conference had had some sort of 'failure'. But instead of being defeated by the experience, they looked on it as 'feedback' or as 'testing'.

If a project flopped, it was an opportunity to evaluate marketing strategies or to assess the needs of the market.

If someone made negative comments, then it was a chance to build resilience and strengthen resolve.

If a marriage collapsed, it was the opportunity to clarify values and practice forgiveness, especially forgiveness of self.

Every difficult situation was really a learning experience in disguise. Sometimes the bitter ones become the sweetest in the end.

3. Let it out.
I was amazed to see millionaires burst in to tears as they shared their challenges and achievements. I always thought that it took a steely resolve to create a million dollar plus business.

That's when it occurred to me - there is no magical line that you cross and it all of a sudden becomes easy and ok - life and business are a constant evolution of YOU - the more your business grows, the more YOU grow.

Part of that growth is being human, being emotional, being vulnerable. In fact, it seems the more you admit vulnerability and fear, the more you allow yourself to feel it, the easier it is to let it out, and let it go.

The truly courageous are not the ones who are fearless, but the ones who feel fear, and take a step forward anyway.

So ladies, (and gents!) if you feel the need for cry, let it out, you'll feel better, stronger, and ready for that next scary leap of faith.

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