Sunday, December 7, 2008

Power Of Thought – Visualize To Create Your Reality

Mastering the power of thought is the key to a successful life. This article will show you how regular visualization allows you to create the reality you desire.

It seems clear that our thinking literally creates our world, and if this is so why not think the way we’d like to live?

Scientists tell us everything we hear, see, and experience actually takes place in our brains, and that an “outside” world may not even exist. Deepak Chopra, Joseph Dispenza, and many others agree that life takes place primarily in the mind. From a hard scientific point of view, areas of our brain activate to allow for the different experiences of sight, touch, hearing, feeling, and so forth.

The same area in our brain orchestrates the vision process whether we are looking at another person face to face, or closing our eyes and thinking about them. Whether we are dreaming or awake, the exact same mechanisms within us facilitate our experiences.

I illustrate this to make a point: Whether you are a proud skeptic or a starry-eyed believer in all things new age, it seems irrefutable that the power of thought plays a very substantial role in the makeup and direction of your life.

Regardless of our personal philosophies, religious preference, or educational background, we cannot escape the fact that what we think and feel about has a profound impact on the events and circumstances of our life. In fact with a little practice, the power of thought reveals itself to us in truly extraordinary ways.

For example…

If the brain can’t necessarily distinguish between an image it sees through memory and one it accesses via direct physical line of site, consider the power of deliberate visualization. Along with affirmations, visualization exercises have been taught for years by self-development coaches.

You can hold any image you want in the eye of your mind for as long as you want. You have absolute control over this operation and can bring it to bear any time you like on any subject matter that pleases you.

Vividly see yourself in possession of all the wealth you could possibly want. Hold the image of yourself being fit, happy, and always full of inspiration. Whatever you want your life to be like, first create the image of it in your mind and focus on it with intensity.

Beyond just seeing the outcome you desire, feel the kind of happiness and joy that come from victory and achieving your personal goals. Let these good emotions flow freely, and also engage the sounds and other sensory input that might accompany your envisioned experience. While you visualize, pretend you are living in the moment of having your life exactly as it appears in the image you have created.

Above all you should enjoy this experience. Don’t let it become a chore and never allow it to resemble work; it should be something you sincerely like doing and you should get a legitimate rush from the activity.

Not only will this exercise will make you feel great, but it will also prompt your subconscious mind to find ways to connect your current circumstances with the outcome you visualize. In essence you will set into motion such things as inspired thinking, spontaneous action, and self-fulfilled prophecy.

Continue to visualize once or twice each day in sessions of anywhere from 30 seconds to ten minutes each. As with any skill, the more you practice the easier the process will become for you.

And over time you are almost guaranteed to see the events of your life unfolding in a way that mirrors the subject of your visualization sessions. Is this the law of attraction, or is it the subtle power of autosuggestion?

In truth, these terms refer to two sides of the same coin. Furthermore, there’s no need to bother yourself with the technical nuts and bolts of how and why; just rejoice in the creation of your new life.

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