Monday, January 5, 2009

Mastering Your Mind Power

On a recent visit to the local library, I took notice, really took notice of a giant Sequoia tree about twenty feet from the front entrance. The tree stands nearly 100 feet tall and has a trunk that is about 6 feet in diameter. Now I have been past that tree hundreds of times before as I visited that library, but I had only paid enough attention to it to know that it was there.

Laying on the ground underneath the tree were several seed carrying cones with their numerous seeds attached. Each seed was about the size of a dime but a bit thicker. On that day, I saw that magnificent tree in a different light. The realization that this gargantuan of a tree grew from that small seed produced a profound sense of awe in me.

I was once again reminded that everything that my eyes beheld around me, including the library building, the cars on the streets, the street lights, the streets, the books inside the library, even the people visiting the library (including me) began as a relatively tiny seed. The inanimate items, of course, began as thought seeds in the imagination of someone.

Herein is the importance of mastering your mind power by training your imagination. Just as the giant Sequoia tree develops from the small seed or the human adult grows from a tiny microscopic egg, so will your desires grow out of the thoughts, ideas, and mental images that you consistently hold in your imagination.

I am certain that you have had or now have thoughts of what you would like to have, to do, or to be. It is now up to you to organize a regimen for consistently presenting those thoughts to your subconscious mind through your imagination. It is you and only you who have been given absolute control by your creator over what may be allowed into your imagination.

The first order of business is to organize your thoughts into your definite major goal or intention. This step is of utmost importance. To neglect this step would be like embarking on a driving trip from Hayward, California to New York City, New York without planning a route. What would be your chances of ever getting there? As critical as this step is, the vast majority of the population, approximately 95%, never, ever, do it. Unfortunately, there is a 95% chance that you are one of those people.

The next step is to set aside definite periods of every day to relax yourself and bring the images that represent what you want to have, to be, or to do into your imagination. For most people, these periods must be longer than the 5 to 10 minutes 3 times a day that many authors suggest. I think those periods should be more in the half hour to and hour range.

I am sure that your first reaction to the longer periods is that it is impossible to carve out that much time from your busy day. However, before you make that pronouncement your permanent reality, I strongly urge you to analyze how you are using your time now and determine if your activities are moving you toward your goal or intention.

This I know for sure. You can claim or reclaim control of your own mind power. You are the most miraculous of all living beings on earth. You are the owner of a mind that is so stupendous, that as you truly begin mastering your mind power and consciously using it, there is no dream that you can dream that you cannot achieve.

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